The IRA Network has developed Social Media, Take It to the Crowd Process, to provide clients with a complete soup to nuts customized Crowdfunding Strategy and Action Plan. Our methodology will provide you with a significant advantage over others in the space because we believe that execution can only be as good as the preparation. As we say:
“It is one thing to launch a Crowdfunding campaign, another thing to launch a successful Crowdfunding campaign, and yet still another thing altogether to launch a successful Crowdfunding campaign that can deliver upon its promises.”

Why Use Crowdfunding/Crowdsourcing or Social Media?
Crowdfunding is a funding vehicle that can be utilized by just about any type of project. Its an obvious source for non-profit funding, but what about for a profit business? For profit enterprises not only can use this vehicle, but have done so successfully many times. Crowdfunding can not only get you the funding you need, but it can also provide you with what is called ‘proof of concept’, this is what is meant by “Crowdsourcing.” Proof of Concept is an important milestone any business, which wants to be successful, must meet. This milestone is one that any investor or potential funding source critically looks at when making a decision to invest or not. Ultimately, the question remains an open one, no matter how well your business plan is crafted, as to whether or not the market will want whatever it is that you offering.
Crowdsourcing is the perfect vehicle to deliver unquestionable proof that the market wants what it is that you are offering. In fact, many investors are spending time watching the Crowdfunding markets for potential new investment candidates. If you can successfully raise money from your market and build support for your business, whether your business is just an idea written on paper, or a company that has been in business over 100 years, you will have a far greater likelihood of meeting market success.
What IRA offers You in the “Take It to the Crowd Process”?
The IRA Network offers a comprehensive package in its Take It to the Crowd Process. This includes:
Step 1: Initial Project Review & Evaluation
During this step, our team will complete a thorough Due Diligence of the project and the principals that stand behind the project where the IRA Network will validate the concept and the company’s, along with management’s, ability to deliver the results as set forth in the company’s business plan. In other words, will the company be likely to achieve the milestones set forth (the reason funding is needed) if funding is in place? When we work with a Crowdfunding project, we are standing behind that project’s promises. We want to make sure that you can deliver.
This also includes a Competitive Analysis of the project against the current market in the Crowdfunding arena. It is important to know how your project will stack up in the marketplace. Can you compete?
Step 2: Company Preparation Work
At this point in the process, any additional business documents will be developed (e.g. a slide show presentation known in the industry as a ‘slide deck’, a project summary and overview, creation of a Crowdfunding pitch), along with the creation of any necessary videos or productions (e.g. a Crowdfunding pitch video). We will also assist you with the development of a company logo, incorporating the business, and development of a company website.
Concurrently with this, a Crowdfunding strategy will also be crafted which will link the company plan with the Crowdfunding pitch together with creating deliverable rewards to provide to donors.
Step 3: Creation of Crowdfunding Marketing Plan
They say there is no such thing as bad press. While we aren’t sure about that maxim, it does bring up a great point. No matter how good your pitch is, no matter how fantastic your rewards are, no matter how close you are to realizing your plan, if no one knows about it, you aren’t likely to raise much money. When it comes to Crowdfunding, a solid social media marketing plan is must. This is where we work with you to create a customized, comprehensive social media marketing campaign.
Step 4: Execution of the Crowdfunding Campaign
With the preparation work all done, now it comes down to execution. Put our team to work for you in executing your marketing plan.
IRA Fee Structure
Projects taken on for IRA’s Take It to the Crowd Process must be accepted by an MFA and/or the Project Evaluation Committee – see How We Work for details. You can apply HERE.
IRA will charge a fee of $1,250.00 to perform all of the services listed above + the fee for originating capital as set forth below.
Fees for originating capital from Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding
Amount of Capital Acquired | |||||
Consideration | first $1 mm | $2nd mm | $3rd mm | $4th mm | $5 mm + |
5% | +4% | +3% | 2% | 1%+1% thereafter |
Use of IRA’s Take It to the Crowd Service is on a best efforts basis, as such, IRA cannot guarantee that any project will meet its fund raising goals.